Crystal Snoddon: Poetry and other Lamentations
Who greases the gears, chambers the cogs...

photo credit: Crystal Snoddon
How to Say Complicit in Multiple Languages-a ghazal
Java, oyster setting in the Pacific Ring of Fire, quakes. Headlines decry her ravaged earth, tsunami threats blow in by inkstruck headlines,
while North Korea rattles its cage. China strokes its parrot’s tail, —its wings open, flash release as tumbled ash, vilified flame as headline.
Taste the meat of a bitten tongue, savor the ironic twists of cheek; lives tweaked by a tweet, snapped into position, verified by headlines.
Jerusalem apples and pears stew, their simmering fragile skins crack, quantified by ancestral heat, they spill Hasidic juice, etch headlines.
The table, set with styrofoam plates and plastic forks, confetti bright red & green plastic candles bonify vagrant gifts wrapped in headlines,
as galaxies spin unconcerned, defy satellite nosiness, go about their crystallized paths indemnified, celestial headlines.